ABOUT Ari Lipinski
Born in Israel. High-school Abitur: Germany. Business Management & Bible studies: Bar Ilan University, Israel. Business-Management MBA: England. Former Delegate / Fundraiser in Germany for leading Israeli organisations: KKL-JNF; Bar Ilan University; The Kibbutz. Contact for Bible & Israel English-lectures: lipinskiari@gmail.com.
As the chief delegate of the largest Israeli environmental organisation JNF-KKL in Germany (also editor of the magazin Neuland), as the representative of the University Bar Ilan (also editor of the magazin SPEKTRUM) and as the envoy of the Kibbutz-Movement (published the book Kibbuz konkret 88). Mr. Lipinski is active in marketing of international cooperation projects with Israel. Ari Lipinski lectures with a special sense of humor applying audio-visual illustrations about: Israel, Water in Israel, Ecological Innovations in Israel and about the Kibbutz. Ari Lipinski is a well known for delivering lectures about the Bible and specializes in the teachings of the leading Hebrew Torah Commentaries. Further information and detailed subject lists you may receive per email: See contact form at page bottom or: Tel IL: +972-54-7875745 Email: lipinskiari@gmail.com). Mr. Lipinski is honorary Member of the Board of the DIG (Deutsch Israelische Gesellschaft, German-Israel Association) Stuttgart Mittlerer Neckar, and is Project Contact Partner in Germany for JEWIKI, the worldwide largest Online-Encyclopedia about Judaism in German language. He is married and has 2 grown up sons. Twitter: @AriLipinski For lectures of Ari Lipinski in Israel see also: he.arilipinski.com/
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Quote:” In Israel what you see, is not only what you see.” So Ari Lipinski told MP NRW J. Rau when he escorted the German Economic Delegation to Israel of the federate state of NRW as the NRW-Economic advisor in Israel in the spring of 1995. Israel introduced to the German delegation the then innovative concept of High Tech Incubations-Centers, which became meanwhile a worldwide copied standard model for incentive centers for start-up companies in various High Tech fields.
In the Photo Collage we see from left to right: TOP ROW: 1. Ari Lipinski honored with the traditional writing of a few Hebrew words in a Thora-Scroll, 2. CHANUKIA – 9 branch Menora lamp of Chanuka-Holiday with the biblical inscription: Jerusalem Light of the World, 3. Thora-Text: Bereshit (In the Beginning), 4. Jerusalem-Day at the KOTEL (Western Wall of the Temple), 5. Two CHALLOT (Shabbat-braided Bread) Middle Row: (f.l.) 1. Israels Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar and Ari Lipinski in Ashdod at an event honoring donors and volunteer helpers of ISRAEL LAAD Food-Basket-Project. 2. At the Kotel in Jerusalem, Ari Lipinski with Austrian Foreign Minister Dr. Michael Spindelegger. 3. MENORA – the 7-branch Menora lamp. The German artist T.J. Mall placed on Nov. 9th, 2012 to reminind of 1935 in Nürnberg. 4. THORA Text: ‘and the Lord spoke to Aharon’ 5. Ari Lipinski visiting German Bundespräsident Dr. Johannes Rau at Schloß Bellevue in Berlin. Ari was then KKL-JNF Head Delegate to Germany (Israels Afforestation- and Ground & Water-Developing-Organisation) . 2018-ISRAEL-Vorträge-Ari-Lipinski]Ari Lipinski ISRAEL-Lecture, Water-Lecture, Kibbutz-Lecture, Bible-Lecture https://www.jewiki.net/wiki/Ari_Lipinski
Ari Lipinski, Israel’s Environment Minister Amir Perez, Barbara Traub (IRGW, Zerntralrat d.Juden in Deutschland), PM BW Winfried Kretschmann in Tel Aviv on June 26th, 2013. Ari Lipinski suggested PM BW and Minister Perez ideas to intensify cooperation in monitoring of environmental hazzards. PM BW Kretschmann and Minister Peretz expressed their interest in the initiative in their positive statements. The discussion took place during the event „Economic Powerhouse Meets Start Up Nation“ organized by the H. Böll Stiftung – Israel and the German-Israel Chamber of Commerce, Tel Aviv. During the conference Ari Lipinski met with the BW Integration Minister, reporting about special integration projects of the ACHVA Academic College in the Negev. The ACHVA (Brotherhood) AC promotes studies of young women from Arab Beduin families in the Negev as well as of young Jewish women from Äthiopien new immigrant families, in order to create additional perspectives fostering the social status of women in these communities. The President of ACHVA AC (at the time), Prof. Alian Al-Krinawi, PhD, is an israeli born Arab Beduin himself. He is the first israeli Arab to preside over an israeli accademic institution.
Photos Copy right, Ari Lipinski. ***************** Ari Lipinski fotographed MP BW W. Kretschmann together with the board members (Vorstand) of the Jewish Community of Württemberg (IRGW) Frau Barbara Traub and Frau Susanne Jakubowski during the ISRAEL-Day in Stuttgart on Mai 13th, 2013. At right side of the picture Bundestag member MdB Dr. Stefan Kaufmann and Stuttgart Vice-Mayor BM Dr. Martin Schairer. Ari Lipinskisuggested a meeting of MP BW with the new President of the ACHVA Accademic College, Prof. Alian Al-Krinawi in Israel during the upcoming Israel visit of the MP being also the President of the German Bundesrat in June 2013. **************************************************
Ari Lipinski Israel-Lecture International Relations USA, EU, DE, Mid-East, in BW-Parlament-Stuttgart-12.04.02 https://www.dig-stuttgart.net/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/120402-IsraelAktuell-Lipinski.pdf Israel Today Lecture by Ari Lipinski. Living on the edge. The Jewish State in a difficult phase in its history. Lecture and discussion with Ari Lipinski, MBA / Invitation by the Jewish Community Württemberg and the German Israel Association DIG Stuttgart mitl. Neckar: Monday, April 2nd, 2012, 19:00 / In the Restaurant Plenum, Konrad-Adenauer Straße 3, 70173 Stuttgart / inside the Parlament building of the Landtag/Parlament, ground floor. “In the beginning of March 2012 the Gaza based terrorist affiliate troops of Iran fired over 200 Rockets and Mortar shells into Israel. One Million Israelis were a few times daily under rocket alarm, 207.000 school kids could not go to school for 3 days. They had to stay at home or were taken by their parents to their workplaces. How should Israel behave this year facing the permanent terror and the existential nuclear threat by Iran’s antisemit regime? Which implications could a western military strike in Iran have? And which consequences would it have – not only for Israel, but also for the West – if this regime will not be prevented from obtaining nuclear weapons? What effects will the upcoming US elections and the elections in some Europan countries ? Which challenges result from the uncertainty concerning the developments in Syria and Egypt for die Israeli policy? What can Israel’s friends do for the Jewish state in this situation? Wer are very happy that our member of the Board of the DIG Stuttgart m. Ne., Ari Lipinski, will again provide us with inside information. As usual also interesting innovations and achievements of the Israeli society will be discussed, such as for example the lately inaugurated integration of the worldwide largest desalination plant to Israel’s drinking water network. We will hear about its potential contribution for future peaceful developments in the region. The serious subjects will be dealt with due respect but will be communicated by Ari Lipinski with his sense of humor which will surely let us go home more informed having enjoyed the evening.” (Quote from the DIG invitation.)
* Ökologische Innovationen in Israel, Sonne und Wasser als Hebel für neue Friedensprojekte im Nahen Osten. Lecture and discussion with Ari Lipinski. Thursday February 4th, 2010 at 19:00, Bischof-Moser-Haus, Wagnerstr. 45, Stuttgart (Bohnenviertel). A report about current political and ecological developments illustrated with maps and pictures of state of the art israeli solar projects reengineering the country’s energy supply. Ari Lipinski describes and visualizes the latest news about the israeli desalination plants on the Mediterranean coast and informs about the planning of a canal connecting the Red Sea with the Dead Sea (Yam HaMelach, in Hebrew: Salt Sea). Ari Lipinski explains options for peaceful vetures with Israel’s neighbors to jointly use the scarce water resources of the region applying Israel’s cutting edge know how in the fields of water saving and water treatment technologies.
Ari Lipinski with the Austrian foreign minister Dr. Michael Spindelegger at the Kotel (Western Wall of the Temple) in Jerusalem on Feb. 17th, 2010. Before travelling to Teheran in the capacity of being the Chairman of the UN Security Council, the meeting with Ari Lipinski at the Temple Mount had a special context for the guest: The minister heard from Ari Lipinski that his late mother, who was born in Viena, (Judith z.l. – Hebrew initials for ‘blessed be her memory’) had to flee Austria in 1938 after the Anschluss of Austria by Nazi-Germany. She courageously fled to Jerusalem just in time to escape the SHOA (Holocaust). As an Israeli born I described to him our view of the threats made by the SHOA-denier, the President of Iran, concerning the annihilation of the Jewish state of Israel. Our lesson from 1938 is, that also verbal threats must be taken seriously. Dr. Spindelegger was Vice Chancellor from 2011 to 2014.
https://www.dig-stuttgart.net/?page_id=13 (siehe unter 2.4.2012 und 4.2.2010) https://www.lipinskiari.wordpress.com
https://www.israel-laad-freunde.de/images/185_other_Download01.pdf Ari Lipinski, Representative in Germany of the Israeli Bar Ilan University (BIU) together with star architecht Daniel Libeskind (who later designed the New Twins in NY) and the President of the Jewish Community in Frankfurt am Main, Prof. Dr. Architeckt Salomon Korn, whose keynote lecture was published in the Bar Ilan magazin SPEKTRUM in the spring of 2003. SPEKTRUM-Editor and Event-Organisation: Ari Lipinski.
As the Representative in Germany of the Bar Ilan University Ari Lipinski met former German Bundeskanzler Dr. Helmut Kohl together with BIU President, Prof. Moshe Kaveh. Subject of the discussion were possible lessons drawn from from the policy during the historic process of the unification of Germany in 1989 as optional ideas for peace efforts in the Middle East. The Photo is with the dedication of Dr. Helmut Kohl for Ari Lipinski after the meeting at the King David Hotel, Jerusalem on May 14th, 2002.
Ari Lipinski visits Bundespräsident Dr. Johanes Rau in Berlin 2001, in order to report to him about new activities of the Bar Ilan University. When J. Rau was Prime Minister of the German federate state NRW, Ari Lipinsk served as his economic advisor in Israel.

From left to right: Ari Lipinski, KKL-JNF Word Chairman Yehiel Leket, Bundespräsident Johannes Rau, Israeli writer Eli Amir giving Rau his new book ‘Jasmin’, Gideon Witkon – Head of KKL_JNF Water & Ground Development, Janusz Kuroszczyk the President of JNF KKL e.V. in Germany during the visit at the Schloss Bellevue palace of the German President in Berlin during the Water Fair Berlin in 2000.
Ari Lipinski escorts Johannes Rau, Prime Minister of the German federate state NRW during his tour in the Negev and at the ceremony of planting an Olive tree (peace symbol) in the German Forest (Wald der deutschen Länder) near Beer Sheba, Nov 1998.
The following Article by Ari Lipinski about “Israel’s Seven Sources of Water” from 2001 includes at the moment a translation of the headings only. A full translation is due to follow. Below is the German PDF version. An update of the Israel water data and commentary to 2015 is in preparation. Visit this site again soon to find it.
Ari Lipinski’s article about Israel’s 7 Water Resources: Necesity is Mother of Invention. Ari illustrates how Israel’s worldwide leading technologies in desalination (reverese osmosis) and innovative solutions of water reclamation, recycling and water treatment provide the country with astonishing additional water resources rescuing the agricultural food production and Israel’s natural drinking water reserves. Even though Israel integrated more than 2.5 millions of Jewish refugees from the world, and its Jewish population grew from 680,000 in 1948 to 6 millions in 2014 the water usage for the agricultural production was substantially reduced! To sum up: Israel developed a variety of innovations which may serve humanity worldwide to better survive and sustainably protect scarce natural water resources. See updated information of 2014 under Water lectures with Ari Lipinski
Ari-Article-Israels-7-Wasserquellen-in-der-Zeitschrift-Neuland-4-2001-des-KKL On November 16th, 2006 Ari Lipinski lectured about ‘Israel’s water resources & innovative technologies and their potential contibution to peace efforts”. Ari Lipinski spoke on behalf of the Israel Embassy in Germany at an Israel-Seminar in Nürnberg. The event took place at a leading German highschool, “The Wilhelm-Lohe-Schule” which devoted a full day of all classes to a variety of lessons and lectures about Israel. Ari Lipinski joined the Israeli Ambassador, Shimon Stein as keynote speakers. The Deputy Education minister of Bavaria honored the event with his greetings.
https://dig-frankfurt.de/report/r240502.htm Die Strategische Bedeutung der Wasserknappheit für Israel und die Nachbarn DIG FM Ari Lipinski über die strategische Bedeutung von Wasser im Nahost 24.5.2002
Ari Lipinski greeting Israels MP Shimon Peres at gate of KZ Bergen Belsen memorial 1986
Ari Lipinski – Publications:
• Ari Lipinski bout The Bible, Thora Commentary and Passover (Pessach): An example:
Abrabanel Haggada, Pessach, das Fest der Fragen, in: Zeitschrift 109/2009 des Landesverbandes der jüdischen Gemeinden in Bayern Ari Lipinski: Artikel über Pessach. Abrabanel – Pessach-Haggada, Das Fest der Fragen
• About the kibbutz, the Kibbuz Industry, the Kibbuz Movement, the Kibbuz History : see also Ari Lipinski Kibbutz- YOUTUBES
Kibbuz konkret 87/88, Interconnections-Verlag,Freibung, ISBN 3-924586-25-X Kibbuz konkret 88, Interconnections-Verlag, Freiburg, ISBN 3-924586-25-X Kibbuz Moshav, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, Interconnections-Verlag, Freiburg, ISBN 3-86040-010-X
Ari Article about Kibbuz 2000 in Diplomatischer Kurier
Ari Lipinski served as the Envoy of The United Kibbutz Movement to Germany. He coordinated in Germany the assignments of annually 1,500 young German volunteers who travelled to Israel and spent between 4 weeks to one year living and working on a kibbutz. The German magazin Diplomatischer Kurier interviewed Ari Lipinski in 1988 about this successful peace promoting project enhancing understanding between young Germans and Israelis.
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